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Posted: investory Date: 21.06.2017

Brother Nathanael ChannelBroVids. Boston Marathon…Liberty Graveyard Copyright YouTube Watch On Vimeo! HERE Support The Brother Nathanael Foundation! The Brother Nathanael Foundation; PO Box ; Priest River ID E-mail: Jews Lead Gun Control Charge Click Here. Send Your Donation To: Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box ; Priest River ID E-mail: Scroll Down For Comments. Who knows if that had anything at all to do with these explosions.

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Everyone in the hospitals will be interviewed by police officers asking questions if they saw anything. If in fact they are the perpetrator. They are both witnesses and potential perpetrators. At the top of the list is Michael Chertoff, former head of Homeland Security, now head of The Chertoff Group, the primary consultant to DHS. I think we should ask those questions about everybody not just Muslims. And two more Jews: David Heyman and Alan Cohen, are heads of policy. Or Jewish-intensive Homeland Security just itching to turn America into a Jewish police state?

Was this another false flag staged attack to take our civil liberties and promote Homeland Security by sticking their hands down our pants on the streets? The only way we can be truly secure with our liberties restored is to dismantle the Jewish-run Homeland Security edifice. And the stupid Goyim will just go along with it. Unrighteousness cannot fight unrighteousness and corruption cannot oppose corruption. Point is - The Gentiles have TURNED from CHRIST and wallow in their sinful ways.

And the JEWS take it ALL THE WAY to the Fema Camps! This is the NEW Digital Currency that can oppose the Jew bankers. BUT I still need your dollars and checks to simply STAY ONLINE with my Vids and Articles. I have a MAJOR Advertising Plan IN PLACE ready to launch that will bring my Video View Count from 5. Already, in one week I gotViews on my Videos alone!

Please HELP Me to MOVE the Video Count up toViews per week! Total Views are now at 5. I have a Weekly TV Show IN PLACE ready to launch in which a seasoned interviewer who has interviewed such notables as Pat Buchanan, Joseph Sobran, Lee Rockwell will act as the anchor and myself as the interviewee. We did a test run already in Lansing MI last week.

It was a huge success! I have a Billboard Campaign IN PLACE ready to launch that will bring the message: I have a National Nativity Scene Project IN PLACE ready to launch to put up Nativity Scenes across America with the LEGAL backbone to do it. I have a Political Lobby Group Project and Think Tank Group Project IN PLACE ready to launch that will begin to compete with the Jew Lobbies that have sucked our nation dry.

YouTube is NOT Responsible …. Slap me in the face and wake me up, baby. If the Goyim cannot see through this obvious false flag, then truly they do not deserve any Freedom or Liberty at all. By the way, most people at work ignored this event, because everyone is afraid of honest discussion concerning what is going on.

Some of these folks clearly do not wish to get fired or thrown into FEMA death camps. Political activism is a scary venture these daze. Thus it is highly unlikely that Americans will ever wrest their freedom back from the Chertoffs of this world; or from the dreadful woman who was beside him on the lawn, telling us implicitly that the constitutional rights of the people must be revoked in order to unmask the imaginary terrorists amongst us.

Yes another false flag to expand the US police state so that Israel can make more money selling spy and other equipment and Michael Chertoff can sell cancer scans at security check points while also harressing Americans just like those in Gaza and Palestine.

January — A man and his girlfriend, who gave birth under arrest, are facing weapons charges after police say they found a powerful substance used to make bombs and an arsenal of weapons in their New York City apartment. Morgan Gliedman, 27, and Aaron Greene, 31, [Jews] were arrested Saturday in their Manhattan apartment after officers with a search warrant found 7 grams of HMTD, a highly explosive white powder used in bomb making.

Police also seized a flare launcher, a sawed-off shotgun, nine rifle magazines and various how-to manuals on building bombs and booby traps. Potential targets or a motive for having these items has not been determined. Police say the couple has no known links to any terrorist organizations. Another devious Jewish organization is the misnamed Southern Poverty Law Center.

Their President is Richard Cohen yearly salary: They are the killer businessmen of the Racial Poverty Pimp Business. In the Talmud-controlled Zionist mind, every good Goy is a slave and every disobedient Goy is dangerous enemy. The only problem is: God bless you, Americans, and in particular, Randy Mills, and of course our good Brother Nathanael! Set off bombs all over Italy and other countries in Europe so that folks would blame the dirty Commies and demand more state security and give up more of their rights.

Keep the Cold War hot. Now the Commie threat is defunct we must have a new enemy. We have met the enemy and they is us. There are too few awakened patriots today. Three months, maybe six months there will be enough and in the right places I pray. Brother Nathanael, you are too well known. Janet Napolitano is not a lesbian per-say she was purportedly a he at one point in her life by that I mean she was born male. That makes him a male cross-dressing female lesbian impersonator — a perfect fit, I mean profile, for the job as head of Homeland Security for our favorite group of people.

Its no wonder they lavish her with support. I picked this up from an Alex Jones interview piece with former Intel man Bob Chapman now deceased. This whole thing reeks to high heaven because just prior was a massive gold sell off and the gun control legislation is being voted on at the same time. Could this be another distraction?

Who can say, but something is rotten in Denmark. Why not leftwing, or CIA or FBI? This has got to scare the living blank out of this Jewish mafia, so they throw the distraction mode into high gear. It should be more than apparent to see how the Bolshevist movement is ratcheting up their efforts in this country.

They used it before the Bolshevik Revolution to destabilize the Czarist regime. In this case it may be to legitimize open targeting of Christians and American patriots. Also, since all tyrants rule through fear, the Jews hope to put people in fear so that they willingly surrender their sovereignty to the Jewish ZOG.

Eventually it will either be worship the Antichrist and take the mark of the Beast, or worship Jesus Christ and be beheaded Rev. Praise be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, both now and forever. He will make his enemies his footstool, AMEN.

Pressure cookers should be registered with DHS. Children caught drawing or using these items should be charged with a felony. People eating foods prepared with pressure cookers should be arrested as terrorist collaborators. Retailers not part of the corporate NWO bureaucracy who sell backpacks and pressure cookers should be placed under 24hour surveillance or have their assets seized outright. All the rest of you should and will be forced to receive a marking device in your right hand thereby signaling your submission to the god of the Jews…….

I will be interviewed by Jeff Rense http: Regarding your article on the Boston Bomb case I want to re-confirm to you that your videos have now been for some time no more freely available in Germany. Knowing only too well the nature of the political set-up in our place and in the EU in general this must be interpreted as a first class reference to the veracity and sincerety of your efforts to expose Jewish machinations. What bugs me is how so many people, especially in the States, are using their energies to try and discredit you when it is more than crystal clear where you stand vis a vis the Jewish syndicates.

And so I have been able to observe that wherever people are preparing themselves to catapult filth in your direction there will be just as many who will stand up to raise their voice in favour of you and your efforts. As for your commentary on the Boston case it is as clear and concise as anybody could wish for and your conclusions are easy to understand for everybody.

There is nothing intelligent I could add save perhaps that it would be inconceivable to me that American patriots would aim to discredit their own country in such a despicable way. But the real question remains unanswered and that is how many more truths will have to emerge before the American people the broad masses - not internet insiders will cotton on to it all and bring about the required revolutionary changes. The Jews are trying desperately to clamp down on us because they know people are waking up to their sneaky, evil ways.

Who, primarily, promoted the Bolshevik revolution through chaos? The real history of the Bolshevik Revolution resembles this period in the USA far more closely than the National Socialist rise to power. And the French Revolution: How did the French populace rid themselves of the oppressive leaders? Israel Police Chief Yohanan Danino says he has dispatched officials to Boston, Massachusetts, where they will meet with Federal Bureau of Investigation agents and other authorities, the Times of Israel Reports.

The paper reports that Israeli law enforcement planned the trip before the deadly pair of bombings on Monday that has so far claimed three lives, but the discussions will now shift focus in order to see how help from abroad can expand the investigation.

Very concise and insightful unraveling of a fairly intricate and confusing enmeshment of Joooos in the Department of Jewish Homeland Insecurity and the issues involved. Now they are going to ban pressure cookers or put people on a watch list who buy them from every K-Mart, Walmart, hardware or kitchen store, or order online from Amazon, online and postal mail kitchen and cooking catalogues, homesteading and self-reliance websites or even the websites of the Presto or All-American manufacturing companies.

You can basically go to Walmart and get all of the parts to build this bomb, or being suspected of doing so. We know you have pressure cooker. Turn off the gas and stand away from the stove, and then come out with your hands up. You are threatening the neighborhood and national security with your chicken fricassee. Even if you never use it, I think everyone in America should go buy a pressure cooker, start looking up pressure cooker recipes, and and make the Jews really, really nervous.

The two most popular pressure cooker companies are still American made, as far as I know, as well. There are some really nice European made ones, too. So far as I know, no one has yet claimed these bombings, and the authorities are still without much in the way of leads. This armed conflict started a chain of events which subsequently led to the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the Thirteen Colonies achieving independence from Britain.

Our patriotic ancestors of every generation are calling us! And of course Nathanael is spot on with his analysis of the overreaction by the Jews who control our lives. NOTHING gets by the careful scrutiny of Brother Nate. The Jew will use it as hype to scare our stupid drone mentality sheeple. I looked at several periodicals yesterday and some of the headlines were as large as the ones I remember as a child when WWII started.

THREE people are killed and the Jew press NOT THE ZIONIST PRESS - folks - THE J-E-W PRESS is out to make it a disaster of world importance! Lets put some FACTS into the equation. By the time you read this comment of mine a mere 48 hours after the bombs went of consider these FACTS!!!! MOST OF THOSE INNOCENT HUMAN BEINGS WERE CHILDREN! ALL OF THOSE POOR MURDERED HUMAN BEINGS WERE KILLED BY YOUR SONS WHO WERE TRAINED BY JEWS! We murder a human being, more often a CHILD, every three minutes of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year — year in and year out.

So what is the reaction of those horrors? And people have the audacity to question why I, as a double volunteer, a former paratroop commander, DESPISE our military terrorist thug sadist dirtbags to the depths of my soul.

Do the math yourself. And we are in a panic over three people!? TEN TIMES THAT MANY HAVE DIED IN VIOLENT CAR CRASHES snce the sun rose today!

We have never been a people who have been able to deal with reality or priority. YOU USED IT NO LESS THAN EIGHT TIMES! STOP IT, or go somewhere else and spread your purposeful disinformation. There many minor enemies but Jews and BaptDuhs are by far the most evil and formidable. A BaptDUH is essentially a Jew without a brain — a deadly Zionist puppet. BTW, if it takes a hundred visits to the NT Gospel of John Chapt 8: That statement did NOT have its origins roted in the rantings of some lunatic in a bar.

It was clearly stated by Jesus of Nazareth. European Americans are still the vast majority of the American population. If the small hyper-racist Jewish cabal is going to control American policy and keep it supporting the terrorist, racist nation of Israel, it must make sure that European Americans are demoralized and divided.

It is vital to the Jewish overlords that European Americans have no clear sense of their own interests or the true interests of America.

There is now virtually no chance the full truth as in the details will ever come out about the JFK assassination. Almost everybody who could have been involved or a witness is dead. In fact, polls consistently show most Americans do not believe Oswald did it alone, they simply DO NOT CARE. After all, Monday night football is on. Most of the history of World War 2 we are taught in school and on TV has been proven by a few dedicated real historians like David Irving to be lies, yet the lie is still accepted by the masses.

When Jews run society, the lies just never end. And as most humans do not possess independent critical thinking ability they believe the lies given them by authorities even in the face of clear evidence to the contrary.

Historically we know, but I guess we cannot predict when it might happen or not happen again in America, i. I should add that the reason for telling my DC reps to have a thought for their own heads is because of a story from the French Revolution:. One of the Jacobins was a man named Joseph Fouche. Although he was an early supporter of the reign of terror Fouche realized it had begun to devour its own and he grew very concerned about his own head.

Robespierre was unhappy with Fouche and set out to have him arrested. Fouche immediately went into hiding - but he had a plan.

His plan involved never spending more than one night in the same place. I am certain of it.

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After several weeks of this many members of the Convention had become fearful that they too might be headed for the guillotine. The Reign of Terror died with Robespierre - and it all came about because one man effectively spread fear and loathing among some legislators.

Moral of the story? Our elected reps should be informed that when America gets foreclosed on their own heads will likely be in danger. We know that a domestic-foreign U. We know that the U. It just happens again and again. They have to make sure that the new American security can keep Americans distracted, distressed, and terrorized, but while stay penetrable to the American-Israeli agents, bribed mercenaries, and officials only.

They seem to like targeting some big cities in the South and Northeast, which they can attract more attentions. They are better off planting a bomb to kill the endangered animals, instead of the humans. Too many men all around the world are highly addicted to their hatred, cheating, and viciousness.

It has happened for thousands of years. I am so thankful that I did not have to rely on the mainstream media to learn about that inflicting disaster. What do Jews want? Globalize the currencies and promote the international pornography through Internet?

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Then use their righteous pleasure to cleanse the stupid, gullible, brainwashed, entrapped, and filthy Gentiles? They even own the global corruption. Jews need to remember that they are only humans who can understand the hatred just like Gentiles do. Then I henceforth to learn more and more about Jews, such as the banking system they developed and acquired.

Eventually, last several years ago, I would predict and anticipate that the U. It is the first major defeat he has suffered and I can assure you all his underwear is knotted up so far it is coming out his ears right now. I had expected a defeat when I heard about the gun vote in the Senate today — a few weeks ago I had a dream with the number in it — today we were granted a great victory, hopefully the first of many to restore the Republic.

It is getting easier for me because most people I know are not worth taking the risk for. It is only after taking abuse from these people for such a long time that I have reluctantly come to this conclusion.

A couple of observations about Boston from my seat in the bleachers. First, they appear to be gaining sophistication in these false flags. Prior to this, they always had the patsy ready immediately. It will be so dramatic when they finally produce the suspect — shortly is my guess. Getting them back would prove extremely difficult. Instead, I think they are going primarily after the ammunition.

Without ammunition, a gun is useless. I believe this will be a two pronged attack. First, they are buying up billions of rounds of ammunition, reducing supplies available to the public.

These rounds, mostly hollow points or specialty shells used for long range sniper weapons, will also be useful during the takeover. Just a bullet to the back of the head. So, I expect the second prong of this attack on the ammunition to be against gunpowder.

Look for the Boston bomb to be blamed on gunpowder and sale of that to be restricted. Then with no ability to buy bullets or reload their own, American privately owned guns will be almost useless. Meanwhile the government will be well armed. Brother Nathanael made a good point that this needs to be looked at and dealt with from a Christian perspective.

He allows judgments against those that have turned from Him, and America has definitely done that. We are primarily a materialistic, atheistic and rapidly becoming sodomite society. But, you can save yourself. Look at Jeremiah in the Bible. He was in Jerusalem all through its siege and destruction, even when it was burned to the ground. And yet, he was protected through all that and walked away after as a free man.

God is your answer, not guns, stored food or militia type action. What is coming upon America is a time to separate the sheep from the goats. They do more good than harm. Christian denomination has the guts to say. Are the Mormons you are talking about the same Mormons whose Prophet Joseph Smith, schooled in the Kabbalah and Zohar, who declared the western half of the continental area of the now USA the State of Deseret, and crowned himself king and emperor?

It is not common knowledge in public education. Eventually it became the Utah Territory. Contrary to popular opinion, Mormons were not founded by Masons but were somewhat influenced by it, nor was LDS ever accepted by Freemasonry. LDS were in fact run out of Illinois by the Freemasons in that state for less than sterling behavior and political issues. Same with Jehovah Witness now, but the JH were staunch Zionists. But the Mormon-Zionists were some of the earliest cheerleaders for Judeo-Zionism, decades before Herzl.

Orson Hyde, commissioned as an apostle with a hands-on special prophetic blessing of Joseph Smith, made a trip to Jerusalem in the s to dedicate the restoration of Israel to the Jews, according to Ivan P. Orson Hyde also prayed for the downfall of the US. Strongly recommend the thoroughly researched book, One Nation Under Gods: The Occult Connection reposted at http: Readers of this blog know that I love to introduce Mormon Philosemites to the Jewish community.

Jason plans to study the development and impact of Religious Zionism in Israeli political history. Jason has been involved with Israel advocacy for a long time. He was a delegate for Arizona at the AIPAC National Policy Conference, and was recently appointed a delegate for Massachusetts at the CUFI National Summit.

At BYU Jason was also the Vice President for the Friends of Israel club and was part of an AIPAC-trained group of students at the university. He had the good fortune to spend 6 months in Israel inwhere he interned at The Center for Jewish-Arab Economic Development and studied Hebrew at an ulpan.

On the academic side, he spent his last year and a half as a research assistant for the ongoing Joseph Smith Papers project. I have no doubt that Jason will represent us well at Brandeis, where he will likely be one of the most passionate Zionists on campus.

Here are his own words:. Nay; but ye have cursed them, and have hated them, and have not sought to recover them. But behold, I will return all these things upon your own heads; for I the Lord have not forgotten my people. Mark Paredes has worked in Los Angeles for the Consulate General of Israel, American Jewish Congress and ZOA. The Boston Marathon bombing just goes to demonstrate that the wicked Jews will do anything as we all know in their pursuit of serving their master SATAN, we are not against Obama, we as Christians are at WAR with SATAN!

We must do as Scripture says and put on the armour of God for this fight, and fight the good fight as Saint Paul preaches in 1 Timothy 6: As Samuel said above, God allows judgments.

This is true, our Lord did the same with the Holy Prophet Job albeit different circumstances. I trust foremost in Christ to protect me, and he absolutely will!

The only way to get to the bottom of this is to charge Alan Jerkoff with treason and send him to Gitmo for water boarding. But in the spirit of only do unto yourself what you have already done to others, limit the amount of water boarding torture done to Alan Jerkoff to times. Army Equates Catholicism and Evangelical Christianity with al-Qaeda and Hamas http: Your response per Even in the fairy-tale the year-sleep ended after years, so related to that a years have passed since the Jewish FED was installed, but there is no sign of the American princess waking up.

She seems to slumber on and on and when she wakes up she may find herself to be a frog. Rome was once a grand and glorious White empire that attempted to establish society amongst the barbarian hoards of the world. The same is true for Amerikwa. It is a Roman society that has repeated the same mistakes. Glorification of the gladiator sports, lust, greed, sloth, bloated from taking in the barbarian hoard that has displaced its own peoples and is now ruling it.

Amerikwa has also washed its hands of Christ and is seeing the results of that mistake. On Friday of last week, a single entity crashed the gold market by dumping the equivalent of tons of gold in short sales. As is well known, the gold market is controlled by the Rothschild Zionists. On Monday, the Boston bombing. On Tuesday, letters containing the bioterrorism agent ricin were intercepted on the way to Obama and a senator.

It sure looks like defense of the Second Amendment of the US Constitution has given big Jewish money and media its first real kick in the teeth. They are a lot weaker than we thought. All the big Jewish web and TV sites like Yahoo and CNN are and will be screaming like stuck pigs all today because they now look completely impotent.

The man trying to vilify many mainstream American groups such as octogenarian veterans groups as terrorist organizations is Maurice Dees. Gordon Duff has just published Mr Dees dirty laundry on the internet.

With this recent chicanery and profiteering of the gold market, caused by the sudden engineered shift in its price, is there no end to the malice and greed of kike Rothschild? The Eastern Empire continued on for nearly a years afterwards, until the Turks sacked it in Americans cannot expect to continue to murder the Muslim people for Jews and Israel without more retaliation.

The modus operandi has usually been to have the case solved rather quickly.

Leaving the boogeyman on the loose may be their intent, perhaps another similar bombing due in the near future. The Israelis seem to have invited themselves to the Boston Marathon disaster, although reportedly the trip was already planned before the incident. After all, Dear Leader Obummer has directed the FBI and US Department of Jewish Homeland Insecurity to assist in the investigation.

I have to find this out about my own government from the USA edition of RT in the article I was originally reading linked below about the Israelis coming over for the Boston tragedy. In the meantime, none of the investigating agencies swooping down on Boston have identified suspects or motives at this time. It took an immense popular reaction for that to start having the desired effect. And the Brits at least had a vague sense of Christian decency.

Ricin letters mailed from Mississippi, blamed undoubtedly on a White man, they are scaring the masses and preparing for them for something drastic. On the Jews and Their Lies. The terrorism is the problem. Suppressive legislation is the solution.

Also, the Mossad has a long history of false flags to promote the Zionist violent Jews agenda of a Globalist totalitarian state ruled by Zionists with being their great masterpiece. The Boston Marathon bombing will be connected to shadowy Middle Eastern figures from Iran or Syria and they are the next big targets hated by Israel which will use the U. Gentiles in the wars and a lot more totalitarian police state activity is needed in the U.

Many of these Zionists are descended from the Russian communists and they used terror bombings to force communism and its police state on the Russian people. They are going to find firearms and a NRA book in his home.

You might be getting Joseph Smith mixed up with Brigham Young. Joseph Smith would never have permitted this to be taught to his Mormon followers if he loved the wicked Jews as you claim.

Seems like if Joseph Smith was a Jew lover as you claim he made a very stupid mistake in teaching everyone NOT to love Jews. CAMBRIDGE CBS — An MIT Police officer has died after he was shot near the Stata Center on campus Thursday night. Authorities found him with multiple gunshot wounds.

No arrest has been made and the search for a suspect or suspects is ongoing. The shooting occurred at approximately They said that both wore black backpacks and were seen coming out of a Starbucks coffee shop, and at the spot of one of the bomb locations about 12 minutes before the first bomb blew up.

A Jew defends the Taliban, by return on binary options where it work yahoo the truth and busting through the arbitrage trading profit lies which led US-NATO to declare war on Afghanistan:.

Following is an excerpt from a book by a Jewish American author, A. Adler, regarding his research into the Taliban and the media coverage they received. He even comes from a religiously Jewish perspective. I happen to like Bitcoin since it rubs the Jews and Jew-worshipers like Rockwell et all the wrong way.

THIS is the CLEAREST indication that Bitcoin is DOING SOMETHING RIGHT! Most interesting is the profile of the guy they think planted the bomb.

He has an enormous nose like many of our online trading system in dse leaders. My guess is the best place to find at least the pseudonoms of the suspects is on the first El Al flight to leave Boston for Israel folowing the bombing. The situation was linked to the fatal shooting of an MIT policer officer late Thursday night, sources told NewsCenter 5. The scene was located on Laurel and Dexter Street in Watertown.

Dozens of police officers and FBI agents were in askobid forex neighborhood and a helicopter circled overhead. Then I recently learned that the average IQ among Americans tested is 88! Are Americans insatiable when it comes to violence? Cortina is too chicken to do so.

If it were not for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and for Orthodox Christianity, the true Church, how could we endure this life? In fact, as I write this it is 3 AM in the morning. You will only get RELIABLE information on OUR site, Real Jew News. We do NOT cater to unproven speculative information. I never stated in my Video that Mossad did the bombing. But I DID state that WHOEVER did the bombing, the JEWS win and 60 second binary options forum live trading system loses.

I check and speak with MULTIPLE sources before I post my Videos and Articles. I scrutinize every single word before I speak or write. But I put down anything that rings a bell in case it might help to connect some dots further down the pipe. The Associated Press reported that the suspects were from a Russia region near Chechnya, and have lived in this country for a year.

CNN now reports two people in a different part of Boston arrested in a huge police sweep with the two being taken away in handcuffs. This real life event is shaping up to be even more dramatic than the last scene in exercise of nonqualified stock options amt Hollywood movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundace Kid.

A whole city shut down and 10, Boston police and 1, FBI agents versus a lone gunman who appears quite willing to die fighting. Thank you so much for posting your above comment to reassure us, though we who love you know that you would never post anything that is not true.

People are being told not to leave their homes or even answer the door, or gather bitcoin day trading site groups at all. How is this different from martial law? During the night I got a letter from a friend who lives in the West Bank Palestine shocked and horrified at what we are now facing; clearly it is not unfamiliar to someone who lives in that part of the world.

No one knows how many were killed at Amritsar - but there was fierce criticism of it in the UK. The general on the scene got cashiered - and his reputation was forever sullied. Anything like that ever happen in the Jew SSR? As for Americans ever rising to a Gandhi-like passive resistance campaign against the Jew SA?

Well, you can believe that if you want to. One lone gunman and all of Boston including the airspace is shut down. Thousands of police and army and Homeland Security all over the place taking themselves very seriously. There are murders and presumably gunmen a year choosing a penny stock brokers comparison Chicago and all it ever brings is shrugged shoulders.

The events of last night are beginning to shed a little more light on the Boston terrorist attacks. Listening to BBC and CNN alternately I noted news was spread that the 2 men of whom 1 has meanwhile been killed had Russian-sounding names and were likely to hail from an area near Chechnya. And Chechnya was a country known for its terrorists, so it was suggested. The one who was killed, was brought to Beth Israel hospital, to which, so it was hurriedly added, many of the bomb victims had also been taken.

The question I am asking myself is this: Would anybody be so stupid, never mind if Mossad or Chechnyan terrorists, to carry a Rucksack through an area where dozens of TV companies are filming every move and hundreds of people are at any one moment using their cell phones to record video sequences, would anybody be so stupid as to carry bombs through the filming crowds to position them at any arbitrary place? Explosive sniffing dogs, police and other units from all imaginable persuasions?

Even Blackwater was there! In quantities, which had never been seen during any previous marathon as one participant declared? Oh, just a moment, there is the reason: If somebody believed they were carrying the 2 rucksacks around the place as part of an exercise they would of course not be afraid of every corner being covered by cameras!

And here comes the next cracker: When the patsies from Luton missed their train because it had been cancelled by British Rail things went a bit haywire. They cottoned on and were trying to hide, but were caught a few hours later and shot to death without exception. And what did I just now hear on CNN? But it would make sense if they were exercise patsies! An uncle said they are from Kirghizia and that they have been in the USA for 7 years. They adjusted to life in the USA quite well.

The older brother was a two times golden gloves heavy weight champion boxer and the younger got a wrestling scholarship and was a life guard.

All their friends, who have been interviewed liked them. They had friends in the US military and a friend called the youger boy an angel, party animal, and an all American boy. They went to parties and smoked dope. They had no escape plan and no money. It sounds like they were just bored and wanted to see what they could get away with. Given that these two nut bars have shut down a whole city can you imagine what a real terrorist like Carlos the Jackal could do in an American city?

I think IDF stands for Israeli Defense Force, but what does IED mean? Unless the acronym is crystal clear CIA, FBI, UN, AIPAC, AMA, etc. I think he meant Improvised Explosive Devices. We seem to make acronyms out of every phrase we see today.

It is an American thing. You know, it really pisses me off when as a serious supporter of this site, in more ways than one, as a director and seasoned researcher with my own site for over a decade, I spent THOUSANDS of hours of my life researching reliable motley fool stock market crash including real time once in a lifetime experiences, special connections from my past, I make the FACTS available, name names, post them OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER — and for my efforts, I see readers here still pass on WAY OUTDATED figures as FACT.

Folks, if you are going to use stats regarding the numbers of innocent human beings murdered by sociopathic, sadistic, sick, twisted, racist, ignorant US MILITARY TERRORIST reptiles like Chris Kyle, at least have the respect and decency to speak the ugly truth for a people who have no voice. I have spent YEARS assembling and saving statistics so as to WAKE UP the morons, useless feeders, lemmings and cattle who USED to be called AMERICANS!

One day it WILL be YOUR families who are murdered in the streets of River City, not trade on binary options strategy foreign invaders, but by YOUR OWN SONS! The same goes for MY work. We keep adding new facts and figures, but the base truths and knowledge we MUST have AND understand do NOT CHANGE!

Most of you have really learned well and are qualified warriors for truth. YOU GET IT ALL! For regular LONG TIME readers to show disregard for long establised truths is irrational and disrespectful. Should you not agree in essence with what we have so painstakenly provided as soul wisdom indicates you may not be benefitting from what we are trying to achieve; an infusion of knowledge AND WISDOM that leads to activism and ultimately freedom and reinstatement of the goodness sanity and sovereignty of our former Christian-based and founded Republic - NOW TOTALLY ridding our nation of Jew influence - whatever that requires.

There is a big rumor about Craft International http: Two pictures were discovered as the evidence pieces. Mysteriously, Chris Kyle, who founded Craft International, was shot to death by Eddie Ray Routh in Texas last two months ago. We can try to persuade our congressmen to create a bill that will remove all of the private miliatary companies in the U.

Apparently, some security people like wearing them. Or should I say, Jones is unable to step back from his conspiracy thought-funk he has infused himself with for almost a decade so as to objectively SEE THE TREES for his conspiracy-clouded forest. This is one of the four former Soviet satellites just north of Afghanistan which formed the Northern Alliance which supported the Russian invasion of Afghanistan in and who were defeated by the Taliban nse and bse trading holidays 2016 l in the civil war which followed the Russian withdrawal in I found the following statement on the net.

These periodic eruptions have absolutely no basis in any kind of fact or reality and are typical of the nonsense bespangling the internet. These reports, however, have a good deal of entertainment value. This idiocy is almost as funny as the Scientology cult babblings. Thanks again for the information! Two Russian kids trying to make it in America, so they commit a terrorist act against innocents? They were not desperate or destitute, not from the accounts so far. What also is bizarre is the city of Boston completely shuts down — how many shootings, amber alerts, etc.

Furthermore, that you always keep your eyes focused humana work at home pharmacist the Jew and what they are doing in any situation to turn straw into gold for themselves, neither looking right nor left and getting caught up in sensational distractions and fanciful speculations is your divine given gift. I fully believe this to be true. And, this around Mcx sx forex would be public knowledge.

In my opinion, without delving too far into their Muslim and Chechen aspects, what we have is two miserable psychopathic local jerks who took advantage of the situation. The City of Boston, and the participating state and local agencies as well as public and private organizations and businesses, plans and prepares all year round filling in make money surveys legitimate potential man-made or natural disasters which could happen at the Boston Marthon on this one particular annual day.

What Jonesoids miss is that when and if US Military personnel were to ever be called in to an incident under civilian authority it would have to be under formal pre-legislated conditions, or if the National Guard are officially federalized. The US National Guard are the only armed forces permitted constitutionally to serve both at the State level domestically on American soil, as well as federally when so activated. Unless federally activated for overseas deployment, they always remain under the authority of their respective State governors.

The only federal level called in were the FBI and any related agencies like the ATF, authorized to do so as soon as the crime scene was considered a possible terrorist act. Navy Seals as federal military forces are constitutionally forbidden to operate domestically at civilian functions like this on non-military properties. Besides, if for some reason, the Seals or other US military Special Operations Forces were in fact activated to perform the job they are trained for, no one would ever see them.

They would not be standing around out in the open acting like street guards, they would be like ghosts. Jonesoids should demand the contracts to prove their case. The contracts are public documents involving taxpayer. Only one man is wearing the hat that I can see, and not the others, which would indicate a personal preference.

Although the skull corn stock ticker symbols is very blurry, there is enough to indicate that the skull emblem is what the late Chris Kyle himself designed as a modification of the Punisher Skull for his company logo.

Every State has designated NG WMD Civil Support Teams. Trained in WMD detection, they would have the air sniffers and radiation sensors necessary to detect any chemical or radioactive WMD in the air, as well as as the fancy vehicles. In general, knowing this from disaster preparedness and counter-terrorism training as far back as the LA Olympics when the Bay Area hosted part of it, local and state premarket trading aapl for PR reasons work very hard to keep militarily garbed personnel out of sight as much as possible, or tone down their presence in other ways.

Since this is a Civilian Support Team interphasing with civilian authorities like City of Boston, then they dress in a civilian like fashion. So, as NG Civil Support Teams, it is no surprise that these members would be in garb which keeps them low profile, wearing khaki pants and dark jackets, but still identifiably a unit.

NG MPs doing crowd control out on the street in their camo fatigues were some of the very first personnel on the scene of the first blast.

These National Guard waded in and started yanking out the rows of temporary fencing and the metal flag stands to clear the way for emergency personnel and vehicles.

They were like badgers digging their way threw hard ground, they cleared at least a hundred feet and a couple of tons of fencing, flagstands and metal pipestands in mere seconds.

Tom Crosson, a Pentagon spokesman, provides the tally of U. The one unambiguous Defense Department element? A team of three Navy explosive-ordnance disposal technicians who drove from Naval Station Newport to assist on Monday night with clearing suspicious packages. Stock market sugar sector Massachusetts National Guardsmen were on hand in Boston, including two teams designed to detect unconventional weapons, called Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Teams.

Most of them were deployed to secure the Marathon site. But at no point were the Guardsmen federalized: According to Crosson, as of this morning, about Guardsmen remain on-hand in Boston. No combat air patrols over Massachusetts airspace. No specialized bomb-detection gear. No overhead drone surveillance. Nor is there much for JIEDDO to do.

Northern Command in support of federal law enforcement, JIEDDO can do little more than make its expertise about the different varieties of homemade bombs available to the FBI.

If the feds come asking. The lack of a U. It means that civilian law enforcement — which managed to clear thousands of people out of Copley Square rapidly and safely, to preserve a crime scene — believed it had matters under control.

People really must make the effort to go downtown and begin to understand how there local civil government operates. Get to know policies and procedures as much as possible. Every City Hall or County Seat is supposed to have their disaster preparedness coordinators and offices which should have the basic organization, resource documentation and community liason the public can get familiar with, and be able to ask questions based on facts.

SinceCSTs have served as full-time, federally funded National Guard units supporting local civil authorities in responding to events known or suspected to involve weapons of mass destruction, whether it be hostile use of chemicals such as nerve or blister agents, toxic industrial chemical spills, biological events anthrax, ricin, etc.

The CSTs were to support state and local civil authorities in WMD events and serve as rapid response teams. Comprised of 22 highly skilled, full-time Army and Air Guardsmen, these teams include guardsmen with backgrounds in science, medicine and hazardous materials. The unit is divided into six sections: The incredibly quick ID and tracking of the Boston Marathon bombers made me remember the praise the government received for the quick capture of those responsible for the WTC bombing.

Regarding the horrible carnage, this cowardly act reeks of bolshevik Jew. The Jew stench is unbearable. Please explain the photo of the exploded black backpack, clearly worn by one of the mercenary hires and found on the Alex Jones Infowars site? The Brits were real concerned about the USSR, sent them a bunch of nifty war toys in WW-2 under Lend-Lease as did Uncle Sugar.

They still owe us more in unpaid Lend-Lease bills than the Russians do! You want to find out whom is responsible? See who will make the greatest profit by generating and spinning an event a specific way- there is the base. You have your path, I have mine thanks! I never even implied that. My imagination fantasized that the Boston Bomb show was a clever way for the British to inaugurate their new strategy in the not-yet-finished Revolutionary War.

I imagined that the British Empire plan to bring the United States into their Empire. The red-level terror attacks and Boston-style bomb events will herald in more of these at heightened levels of terrorism and insurgency. Is this a British declaration of war? They told me that two Russian boys were arrested and two suspicious-looking Muslims were spied laughing after the bombs exploded according to Schlom Rosen, a witness close to the scene.

Study stage magic sometime: Well, the drama in Boston is over as the 19 year old Chechen-American brother is in custody now. About an hour ago, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was taken into custody from the backyard of a home after a two hour standoff. I reserve judgement on the guilt or innocence of the 2 men being identified by Jew media as the bombers. They scream for vengeance and blood as loud as the Jews no doubt screamed for the blood of Jesus. The would-be DC metro bombing was one; there have been others.

All of these plots were hatched by the FBI itself and provided to gullible idiots. Something to think about. Does anyone have any info that Jones is being sued for libel due to his unproven accusations? How many donut sucking cops were at the scene, to take into custody someone that another person found immobile in a boat parked in a back yard?

Like I said to my spouse, why the drama? An IR detector would determine if alive or dead. Simply a psy-op to build a fait accompli crescendo. Even more pathetic was the stupid goy sheep lined up along the road to thank the police fer catchin a buncha foreign terrorists. According to CBC News he was taken from the boat wounded and still shooting at police.

It seems that despite the overwhelming odds he did not give up. This incident certainly gave the police an excuse to enter homes dozens? The CBC showed people cheering at the capture, I suppose so things could get back to normal, but I wonder how many are perturbed at being man handled by various government agencies. Interesting to see how compliant the Boston population was and how two all American party animal boys one of whom wanted to represent the US in boxing at the Olympics and the other who wanted to represent the US in wrestling could shut down a whole city so easily… with a simple kitchen implement.

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Quite honestly… less than real terrorists like Carlos the Jackal with military training, serious weaponry, money and an escape plan could easily shut America down in days…and organizations like Blackwater have already trained thousands of these people who are essentially hit men.

They kill people for money. A of these guys could easily shut down the City of London and steal all the Rothschild gold. Notice how more and more large scale robberies are happening now. Strategy binary options and levels fibo diamond heists in Europe now and even people making subway sized tunnels into banks. I hope to solve our problems the answer is we should go on the forex courses in delhi instead of just sitting back.

I mean to think that things can go on like this is nuts and to think about the doomsday stuff is hard to comprehend. I think each person will have to deal with the law when they come to their homes. There will be no mobs of people helping others. If everyone refused to pay taxes the government could do nothing. But in New Zealand, AUstralia and Great Britian they truned in their guns without much complaint. Brother Nathanael has always answered this question and names names!

How can anyone listen to any video or read any article here and not realize that? But, they had to blame Muslims, no matter what, because that is what nabisco stock market written in the Clash of Civilizations script. Have we learned nothing from history?

Is the memory only as long as a Talmudvison season? It was in the intellectual center more colleges per square foot than any place on earth of the northeast of the US. Does anyone at all actually believe that there is any reason a drill should take place at the gathering of hundreds at a world class sporting event?

Could there be a more ridiculous time and place? Online trading system in dse there ever been a false flag when a drill was not taking place in the same area at the same time?

If you Google Boston marathon event info or the BAA Boston Athletic Association you will see the sites have been taken down. Let us consider how Heba Abolaban, a 26 year old physician, from Palestine via Syria, concerned daily about her family members in Syria, feels after being assaulted by a man while her daughter in the stroller looked on she was taking her to a play date. As the 52 year old man beat her, how much do boston market assistant managers make shouted that the Boston bombing was her fault.

This happened in Malden Massachusetts. Abolaban was wearing a scarf. I thank you kindly for your remarks. When America was a naton of small independant farmers who grew ther own food and built their own homes and defeded themsleves it would have been impossible.

But now almost everyone works for a large organization, carries a big mortgage and is easily levered with the carrot and stick of salaries and job loss. Americans are now trained dogs. The heart and soul of public control is the big lie tactic repeated endlessly, decade after decade, by Jewish owned mainstream media and in particular TV. It take an effort to turn a page but all a couch potato has to do is push a button.

Just watch Jewish owned mainstream media squealing like stuck pigs for more gun control and brand those who oppose it as nut cases.

The demand is constant and has been constant for 40 years. Its not part of their program and the loss makes them look weak and stupid. Mainstream media has no journalists. They do not know anything about the need for a separation of power as defined by the US constitution and no other legal system in the world.

The right to keep a bear arms is British and comes from the Magna Carta. It is the legal definition between what constitutes a freeman and a slave. Lots of stuff about this on the net. When the British became a colonial power this became a problem for them so they created a gun control bureaucracy for places like Indian and Sudan.

Afghanisan seems to be a replay of the old British Rothschild? Britain lost it colonies but the gun control bureaucracy remained and to stay alive turned on its own citizens like a mad dog attacking its litter mates. The whole thing is simple and easy to understand.

There is no right, left and middle. That in itself is a false flag that MSM dumps in your lap every day to keep you off guard. There is only the individual and the state.

The more power in the hands of the individual the more liberty. The more power in the hands of the state the less liberty. The only two political documents that have ever faced this fact are the Magna Carta written 1, years ago and the Constitution of the United States both written by Englishmen.

I am told the American constition was actually written by John Locke and adopted by Jefferson et al. They are equal to the state. For example, in London probably fewer than gun permits a year are issued. In little Inverness in Scotland its more than 5, per year.

An appointed individual is the law. Jewish culture, coming from near the top of the Nile Valley, is far closer to prmitive tribal culture than civilized Anglo culture and for Jews using the media to centralize power and use it to take power away from the individual is OK.

For that reason I believe Jews should second derivative call option be allowed to own any media outlet or hold any forex trading weekly strategy jobs any more than a Congo cannibal should be.

As I said Liberty depends on the distribution of power. Power comes in many forms. Freedom of speech, the law, violence etc. Its important to put cheap birkenstock clogs much as that power in individual hands as possible and take away as much as possible from governmet.

Otherwise a slave state is certain. Maybe that they are now going to waterboard Tsarnaev till they get him to say what they want him to say. What exactly does it mean that he says this? Only when they called off the search and let homeowners return to opencart option stock manager life did a homeowner look at his boat, see blood on the trandsom and look inside to find the wounded man.

The huge paramilitary search for the second man was a failure. Had they not shot a policeman they could likely have hitch hiked out of town. They ARE weak and stupid. The greater the harm you are inflicting upon your enemies, the greater the vigour with which they will jdsu stock market quotes google turn attack you.

Because it IS different. Not sure if these people are or not responsible, but the Russians had HELL fighting these Muslims, these same ones were responsible for killing tons of Russian civilians using mujaheddin tactics. Well now you know how the Orthodox Christians feel, when you supported them thugs against us, in numerous number of regions from Chechnya to Balkans, just Americans are too stupid too figure it out.

Know this is NOT saying all Muslims are terrorists, however some Muslims would kill their own and blame it on others especially Orthodox, since Muslims were always backed by the West, bse site stock market order legitimate work at home assembling products weaken the Soviet Russians.

Exactly, first some Falkenrath tells anyone is guilty, until proven differently, not anyone is innocent until proven guilty, that used to sound better. About rhetoric, and why I use the term Zionist meaning Jewish banksters rather than Jew meaning all the Jews. Ordinary Jews seems to be totally loyal to these Jewish banksters, but banksters are loyal only for themselves.

They are pushing the world into direction that six million will be the real collected value of their false history and false money lended. Show me where Christ said it is ok for the low rank Jews to be Jews- he damned them all, every single one of them, not so? He was a prophet who foresaw the fall of the Russian Empire and the exile of the Russian faithful.

Seeing the spiritual cause of this fall in the worldliness and lack of living faith that were so widespread in the last days of the Empire, he called Orthodox faithful to repentance and renewed awareness of their Christian vocation and responsibility. His appeal is still heard today, and if the Orthodox Russian people dispersed in exile throughout the world are still faithful to Holy Orthodoxy — even if only a small remnant — it is in part due to his still-living example and his holy prayers.

This is still America, dammit, and a person is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law with all due process rights. I spoke with Sen. He said of the Boston bombers:. If captured, I hope Administration will at least consider holding the Boston suspect as enemy combatant for intelligence gathering purposes. If the Boston suspect has ties to overseas terror organizations he could be treasure trove of information.

The Obama Administration needs to be contemplating these issues and should not rush into a bad decision. Drones are evil and the US is evil for using them, not to mention cowardly and shameful, without honor in warfare. No effort was made to apprehend these particular persons, no indictments formulated, no warrant was ever issued or extradition arrangements sought by the US from the foreign government where this person was located.

This is not a debate about whether the bombing was a false flag or a legitimate act of terrorism. Think about this in terms of scale, proportion, and dramatic effect.

What if it had been a gas main which blew at the Boston Marathon and killed and injured a comparable number of people, if not more? People do realize there were far more deaths, casualties, and community destruction Wednesday night at the West Fertilizer Co. Or was it just a blip on the TV screen which registered while switching channels with the remote?

Now that authorities have captured Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, believed to be the second suspect in the bombings at the Boston Marathon, who is innocent until proven guilty, federal law enforcement officials are invoking the public safety exception regarding his Miranda rights, a senior Justice Department official told ABC News.

The group, set up in under Obot the Dronehugger, is made up of agents from the FBI, CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency. They were on standby Friday waiting for the moment the suspect was taken in. The public safety exemption basically reads that it is permissible for law enforcement to directly question a suspect in custody without the Miranda warning, if the primary intent of the question is to prevent a clear and IMMEDIATE danger to the public after an arrest, and not intended for self-incrimination of the person in custody, that is, compelling an admission of guilt.

The FBI continued to list such examples as: At some point we will see His Lordship, Obot the Dronehugger have a a Terror Tuesday A. There are 50 States, perhaps the drone strikes can be arranged to occur one State every week with two weeks off for Jewish holidays, and everyone in the other Forty-Nine can rest easy for the rest of the year once their turn passes.

With the bottomless thirst inherent in American Voyeurism, no doubt Talmudvision would turn it all into yet another reality show and sporting event.

Tsarnaev is in custody in the hospital, he is no further present danger to public safety. The heat of the chase and imminent danger to the local community is over, therefore Miranda, and all of constitutional law on civil rights applies to his case.

The only associated known suspect with the crime is dead, and there are no indications of any outstanding suspects. Contrary to all of the blaring headlines and the braying from the Oval Office, Justice has NOT been served, and will not be until after Tsarnaev goes through his constitutionally guaranteed right to a speedy and impartial court trial, which will either find him guilty based on the evidence, or it will not.

Regardless of what I think about his alleged crime and any circumstances around it, I genuinely hope this young American citizen knows enough about his rights and will remember to invoke his Miranda rights on his own, that he will demand a lawyer, that he will demand to know any and all of the accusations and formal indictment against him, and just who is the accusing body — the State of Massachusetts or the US Government or both.

In February ofthe ACLU filed a lawsuit against the Obama administration over its refusal to release information regarding the drone strike program, which I applaud. In a Washington Post poll conducted at the time, Democrats and the vast majority of Jews are Democrats approved of the drone strikes on American citizens byand even liberals approve of them, But whatever your view of the legality or appropriateness of such drone strikes, I was very happy the ACLU took it on anyway.

I sincerely hope the ACLU can wedge themselves between the feds and this lone American citizen by the name of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev who is being stripped of his civil rights. On my wall above my computer is a picture of a year-old American citizen and peace activist and medical student. His name is Fulkan Dogan who was murdered by the Israeli Jews in in their war against the Gaza Flotilla.

He was shot five times by Israeli commandos in their blood fest on the Blue Marmara from less than 45cm — in the face, in the back of the head, twice in the leg and once in the back. It is there not to make him some kind of hero or martyr, nor to condone the horrid and disgusting crime which he allegedly committed and is not yet even charged for. On Friday, April 19,Dzhokhar Tsarnaev became the first notable criminal suspect within the United States to be denied Miranda warning rights with regard to the new federal policy for his alleged participation in the Boston Marathon bombings on April 15, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev you have been placed in an arrest or custodial situation by police and other state agents.

If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you before any questioning, if you wish. If you decide to answer any questions now, without an attorney present, you will still have the right to stop answering at any time until you talk to an attorney. Also, aim before pulling the trigger.

There are citizens either naturalized or native born and they are supposed to be granted rights under the Constitution for the United States of America, and then there are U. When a Georgia town passed a law requiring firearms ownership, these scumballs tried to sue them to get it overturned - and lost.

That fact in itself gave McCain and Graham apoplexy when McCain raised the question of whether Dzhokhar and his brother were in the country illegally or not yesterday. It is increasingly clear that the Jews have stolen this planet from US and successfully tempted those Goy frauds and charlatans in power. Personally, I never trusted groups that claimed to represent civil liberties, human rights etc. They have all ended up as bootlickers to the lowest common denominator and the advocates and defenders thereof.

They will throw out the odd bone to help some poor schmuck jerked around by the oppressive system, but they are designed for other agendas. That was dead funny. He is just like the Jew Communists, he will tell and promise you anything to have it his way. And guess who his Jew handler is? DemoCrap, Independent or RepTard, I, Jew Joe Lieberman, will promise you that I will tell you any crap - always - anytime - anywhere. His analyses especially on constitutional issues of the security state vs personal liberties is generally spot on.

He has a very comprehensive article in his On Security and Liberty column at the guardian. One paragraph of particular importance jumped out which is peppered with documenting links, particularly the administrative progression of this rollback over the past couple of years by Fearless Leader and really how it has been done almost virtually under the radar. The Open and Transparent O-bigot Administration operates by stealth and secrecy, another one of those little Orwellian jokes brought to us by the Ministry of Truth and Justice located in Tel Aviv.

If I recall, I think you said you are Canadian. Today, over men remain. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. As the proverb goes even a broken clock gets the correct time twice a day. Just ask the Polish ghosts of Katyn Forest. Tarpley makes predictions about the imminent future of the geopolitical landscape, should Obama be elected, based on his knowledge of the people who backed and advised him. The question remains as to whether the ultimate fantasies of this real-life Dr.

Strangelove will be achieved by ? As you can see a slow but sure awakening is happening in this country as well. I am thankful to be able to see such open dialogue and exposure via this and other websites. I realize more and more the power of the Jews. Not that I fear them, I am simply a student of how they move the chess pieces. However, I do see that history can be broken down via Jews using the English as their proxies and the Imperialism that occurred.

Our Canuck Jews tend to hide behind WASPS, whereas US Jews are now becoming more and more blatant and bold. The ACLU in the US etc is incarnated in different guises globally, is simply another pagan organization trying to co-opt religion, lead the sheep down the same path to hell. For every freedom they claim to defend, they take NINE others away.

The Jew is cunning, and simply tries to sell the same kosher turds with customized wrap. Never EVER let them divide and conquer with irrelevant and irrational differences. Lindsey Graham, John McCain and Kelly Ayotte and Rep. Peter King argued against trying suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in a criminal court for the Boston bombing, instead saying that he should be held as an enemy combatant and questioned.

Senators and Representatives belong to the legislative branch of government, which means they make the laws. Senator is Chairman of the New York State Senate Veterans, Homeland Security and Military Affairs Committee, and has renewed his call for the reinstatement of the death penalty for terrorists and in those cases involving the intentional murder of a police officer, peace officer or an employee of the Department of Correctional Services.

So Senator Ball, it is time to go back to US Constitution A, and go write this fundamental legal presumption on the blackboard times until it sinks in, before you start threatening people with torture again.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is innocent until proven guilty. A heat sensor photo taken from a helicopter now shows the suspect lying prostate in the boat.

Its the same kind of U-Tube photo you see when the White House uses drones to kill the Taliban, journalists and the innocent. The White House has killed a thousand times more innocent people with drone bombings than died in Boston from the two bombs attack. The boy is prostate in the boat, arms limp and looks dead or unconscious probably from loss of blood from the previous shoot out. He is not aroused or ready for action even though a chopper is hovering over him taking photos and choppers are very noisy.

I see now that the police also used tracking dogs. A very small German tracking dog unit would have found him in minutes especially since he was leaking blood. Maybe someone knew where he was, and the shape he was in, and was giving him time to die. Boycott Israel might sound good, but Israel is not based on their production, but American and European taxpayers money. Two questions, who owns them and who voted them?

Jews make only several percent of population. So that comes to us Christians. Today being stupid is almost equally bad as being evil. The problem is that as all these new tactics continue to emerge, all those already indoctrinated will begin to leave their hellish nest and bring all their indoctrination to what still could be rescued as FREEDOM in the Mid-West states.

If he ran there there must have been a blood trail as there was a blood trail at the end at the boat and normally there is more blood where a person has first shot than at the end of the trail. If he was on foot the dogs would have found it very easy to find him. The guy does not look combat ready. He looks either dead or unconscious. Jim Dean at Press TV writes that after the gunfight the young man drove through the police blockade and then abandoned the stolen car. A citizen spotted the blood and folowed it.

Especially with all those dogs around. A Palestinian released from Israeli jails, Rania Saqa, has brought to light that the Israeli regime injected detainees that are out of prisons with dangerous viruses. Noting that Palestinian prisoners suffer from serious and chronic diseases such as bladder cancer and liver disorders, Rania has revealed that the Tel Aviv regime injects prisoners with dangerous viruses before releasing them.

The released prisoner has asked the many institutions and the international community to examine them carefully. A suspiciously large number of Palestinian prisoners are suffering from incurable diseases or permanent disabilities as a result of the critical situation in prisons that they suffer at the hands of Israeli regime.

IF these reports are true, it looks like Josef Mengele is the true victor in the Israeli prison system. You have to wonder at some point if this administration really does believe that congressional voting procedures are a mere formality they must go through, the hoops through which they must jump in order to keep up the illusion that the will of the American people is represented.

They are either knowingly being tyrannical, dictatorial, or else they do not understand that voting in Congress is not just for show. As in so many other areas of this administration, it comes down to those two possibilities: My interview of David Morgan Silver-Investor - Confirmed U. Paper prices separating from physical. Get metals while you can! Great last minute interview with David and he provides Very Important information. He points out Everyone needs to protect themselves, immediately.

An law school professor and former criminal defense attorney tells you why you should never agree to be interviewed by the police. I never said anything about boycotting Israel, I said the controllers- two VERY different animals. Rense is now carrying a video claiming the above boy did not do it. The video shows him leaving the scene and the commentator says he is wearing his backpack.

Its dark and my eyes are not good enough to see the alleged backpack which is against shadow. But if the photo was taken after the bombing and does indeed show a back pack it does mean the kid was a patsy. In other words, did a test case work well in Boston, so that the people have been fooled, and in the future tricked to repeat this, as the tanks roll through the streets and anyone who comes out in public is arrested under martial law. Next time, another event occurs and lockdown, the army rolls in.

The irony is these Eastern Liberal -intellectual types were chosen as the classic useful idiots, are now having their icons turn on them. The year-old Schwarzman said he was endowing the program to spur a greater comprehension of China by the U.

Rhodes at the University of Oxford facilitated understanding between the U. People in the U. A residential building designed specifically for the program will also be built, with the first group of students slated foraccording to the statement.

The advisory board for the Schwarzman program includes former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, former U. Prime Minister Tony Blair and three former U.

Secretaries of State, Henry Kissinger, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice. Thornton, who retired as president and co-chief operating officer of Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Thornton China Center, which has its headquarters in Washington and an office at Tsinghua. The Rhodes Scholarships selects 32 Americans each year to study at the University of Oxford.

Countries attacked by bombing, sabotage or attempted government overthrow since Jew World War 2 WWII:. Police stand guard outside Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Friday, April 19, after an ambulance carrying Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, ayear-old Massachusetts college student wanted in the Boston Marathon bombings, arrived AP. Kevin Ilan Tabb, president and CEO of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston told the Israeli website Ynet that Tsarnaev is in stable condition but that because of wounds to his throat, he may never be able to speak again.

Tabb received his medical degree at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and is also a board member of Hadassah-Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem. Police say he just stood up and surrendered. Other British reports have described a gun fight, the riddling of the boat with bullets and bombs and an attempt by the suspect to shoot himself in the neck.

You are all under arrest, anything You do or say will be used against You, meaning the whole World. The reality is that Goldman Sachs takes non-imaginary hostages with their imaginary money. Anyone who banked their money into these international David Starred Golaiaths, can consider themselves as hostages. If the money was sound, those people who put their money into bank, that the bank can further lend with higher interest rate, would be number one customers. But thanks to Central Banks money printers and imaginary money lending market, those old fashioned fox, who earned more than they ate and put the rest into bank are just hostages and crap for the bank.

Hostages in that sense, that Goldman Sachs is not too big to fail, but those ordinary people who banked their lifetime savings will be the first to loose everything. But I noticed, that he had really difficult time sort of criticizing double citizen Rahm Emanuel, who said we should not let any catastrophe go wasted…. It seems to me more and more obvious that the Boston Marathon Bombing is a typical false flag operation.

Is this perhaps why the main suspect could be the FBI who may have actually been involved in the planning and execution of this terror attack against the United States? So get ready because it is coming to a neighborhood near you quite soon. Their goal is total control, whether within or without the U. Constitution and or the U. I can assure you of that. I am amazed that I can keep blogging at this site as I have now been shut down everywhere else I have tried, including my own yahoo account.

Big Brother, the guy with the black hat, beard and baby blood on his lips; the guy cutting the throat of the helpless lamb crying out for its mother, does not like the First Amendment nor the Second Amendment, nor any of the others. After decades of conditioning, the public automatically equates such terrorism with Muslim radicals.

But the evidence shows that every major terror plot on American soil in the past 10 years has been fostered, funded and equipped by one organization: The simple fact of the matter is that the history of the modern age of terrorism has proven time and again that the FBI is the prime suspect in any terrorist atrocity that takes place on American soil.

Let us all keep this in mind as the details of the investigations into this and all other American terrorist incidents begins to emerge. The father of an Aurora IL year-old was shocked to hear from FBI agents turning his house upside-down Friday night that his son had been charged with trying to link up with an al-Qaida-affiliated terrorist group in Syria.

Authorities say he intended to fly to Istanbul, Turkey, and from there travel to Syria to join the terrorist group Jabhat al-Nusrah. A federal complaint against Abdella Tounisi cited emails he thought he was sending to terrorists, but he was actually communicating with FBI agents who had set up a sham website calling for jihad.

He is 5 foot 6 and weighs about pounds. He appeared in court Saturday in Chicago before U. Magistrate Judge Daniel G. Martin, who ordered him kept in custody for a court appearance Tuesday. There are no links between Abdella Tounisi and the Boston Marathon bombings, authorities said. I never done it, they set me up. Father please forgive me. I am sorry it has come to this. He has an account on a social network vKontakte, a popular alternative to Facebook in Russia.

I also read that he had an old, inactive FB page that dated prior to March The image you link to is a just a snip. There is nothing with it which corroborates it as coming from Dzokhar such as the FB page address, a date or anything. Also, Dzokhar had a very good command of English, having arrived in the US at about 7 or 8 years of age; was an honors student who attended a rigorous public high school in Cambridge well qualified to educate foreign students especially in English as a second language, who earned at least one scholarship.

As Russian is his first language, I would expect the wording in English to lean towards a Russian syntax type of error, especially under stress. Maybe that you are correct however without an official enquiry into this case no one has any proof of anything.

Let me put it another way, as a document for court, this image would be completely thrown out as any kind of evidence, as there is nothing to authenticate it with as even pointing to have been written by Dzokhar. What is the source of this image? Where did the website posting it get it from?

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Why is it cropped instead of a full screen shot? Maybe, but whose Facebook? When was it written? Where is the rest of the identifying features of the Facebook page belong to Dzhokhar? It would have as much substance as evidence as if you or I were to write a note on plain paper and claim it was written by someone else.

Whether or not the FBI had something to do with this case is speculation and beside the point concerning this image. So far as I know, he is a closet Zionist Jew. My guess is that he records his harangues in either Israhell or New York to be posted to the web by Tel Aviv or Tel Aviv West. There are ethnic Jews from many places in the world, including the Caucasus, who over the years have moved to Israhell: Kurdish Jews, Chechen Jews, Armenian Jews, Georgian Jews, Arab Jews, Iraqi Jews, Greek Jews Romaniotes and so forth who still speak the native languages or dialects of these host countries.

Jews also have a strong history of being Donmehs, or crypto-Jews practicing Islam in Turkey, for example. Then when these things happen, it is the ZOG loving top administration which plays politics and negotiates the outcome along with the departmental lawyers often Jewishalong with gatekeeper managers in key positions leveraged by Jews, and not the rank and file FBI, DEA, etc agent or middle supervisors who busted their backside making the case against Israhell, only to have their report roundfiled and told to remember their secrecy oaths or face a gag order.

The best way to make sure of stalling or diverting an investigation is from a presidential appointment of a political hack as director of the agency in repayment for political favors, rather appointing a true, apolitical professional in the field.

Morale goes down really fast with a political hack in charge. When that happens, the incompetent and corrupt get rewarded, and the straight-laced, hard-working agent gets sent off to the FBI desk in Barstow, Alaska to count polar bears. It is not unusual history to hear of an FDA director and top brass to sacrifice their own staff scientific researchers on the altar of the Monsanto god when their studies contradict what was submitted by the industrial corporations.

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Some of them were active Israeli military personnel. A number of them failed polygraph examinations when questioned for surveillance activities against the US. Some of them were found to have been spying on Arabs. It was confirmed by two former CIA officers that this Israeli company was a front operation for the Mossad.

The two CIA sources noted that movers vans are a common intelligence cover. The Israelis were held in custody for 71 days before being quietly released. Guess who headed the criminal division of the Department of Justice from toand was the authority who finally decided to let these Jews go? There are an estimatedof an ethnic Armenian sub-group called the Hemshin, or Hemshinli, include both Muslims and Christians, and speakers of dialects of Armenian as well as those who only speak versions of Turkish or other non-Armenian languages influenced by the Armenian language.

They have a long and complicated history, but today they live in Turkey, Russia, and Georgia, as well as in some diaspora communities in the west. Azeris and Kurds living in Armenia traditionally practised Islam, but most Azeris have fled the country due to the Nagorno-Karabakh War. Nevertheless, approximately 1, Muslims live in Yerevan, and their nationality, not ethnicity, would be Armenian. There are a unknown number of Russian-speaking Jews from Armenia in Israel, but they are classified within the former Soviet Aliyah so no precise statistics are available prior to when Armenia restored its independence from the USSR.

We may have the same kind of situation here in the US, in the Russian emigration from the Soviet Union a large portion were Russian speaking Jews, and any ethnic Armenian Jews would have been categorized by nationality as Russian. I do not deny that a certain criminel elite controls de facto the USA and Europe and that their are many Jews among them. I also think that the US foreign policy supporting wars for Israel is playing with fire, that the Muslim world are hating us more and more because of this.

One day we will have to pay the price. FBI sources indicate that the increase in Mossad activity is a major problem, particularly when Israelis are posing as U. But they also note that there is little they can do to stop it as the Justice Department refuses to initiate any punitive action or prosecutions of the Mossad officers who have been identified as involved in the illegal activity.

Should I stay in place where my forefathers settled during the Dutch times, or abandon my neighborhood that is overrun with Jews. I Guess this is a big Question of Faith.

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